Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Your Questions Concerning Boyce

So a lot of you from Boyce have been asking why I left for the semester...
So here is your answer

I left Boyce in order to strengthen my daily walk with the Lord.
Going off to college is one of the biggest things I looked forward too going in to my Sr. year of high school. The first semester of college is suppose to be the best one, right? New Friends.New experiences. A new life:)   
But for me, it was not that way.

I cant go into Detail about some things but...
In my first semester of college....
I ruined 3 friendships (one being my ROOMATE)
I got into a unhealthy friendship with a guy while still dating my current bf. (PLEASE don't mistake the  word friendship. I know that can sound sketchy but that's all it truly was)
I Struggled with Deception of myself and others
A old sin was brought back up to the surface
I was lazy
I barley put effort in getting to know the people I went to school with, including my own hall mates.
I had an ugly thought in my head saying I was better than everyone else.
I was never happy, I always had an anger too me and wanted to be left alone
I literally didn't want to hang out with anyone
I never let my boyfriend have a social life. Everything was about me.
I quit reading my bible and doing my devotions.
I had a lot of anger harbored in my heart.
And through it all...I never saw the wrong in what I was doing.
That was a time in my life where I was the farthest away from my relationship with the lord.
Though I would not admit it in August, leaving Boyce for a semester was the best thing for me.
It has given me a chance to clear my mind.
Forgive those who needed to be forgiven.
It gave me a chance to forgive myself for what I had done.
My walk with the lord is now stronger than ever.
I have a wonderful Accountability partner and mentor whom I am so thankful for
I have regained a happiness which I had lost.
I am letting go of the anger and letting Gods grace and love take its place
I have made new Christian Friends who help me in my daily walk
I am now letting the Lord have complete Control of my life, and am trusting in him complete me
So there it is, for those who wanted to know
HEBREWS 4:14-16
JOHN 10:10
JAMES 4: 13-15
PSALM 13:5
PSALM 96:6
JOHN 8:12
PSLAM 36:9
1 PETER 5:6-7
JAMES 1:2-4
PSALM 107: 21-22

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