Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Lately I have been searching for a devotion book. There are some great ones out there but I just wanted to Write about this particular one in general.

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
By SarahYoung

I been reading this for about a month now and I must say I cant even begin to tell you how much I love this little devotion.
It is packed full of great little reminders to dwell on throughout your day.

The following is an example of the devotions in this book:
October 16th
Look to me continually for help, comfort and companionship. Because I am always by your side, the briefest glance can connect you with me. When you look to me for help, it flows freely from my presence. This recognition of your need for me in  small matters as well as large ones, keeps you spiritually alive. AND SO ON AND SO FORTH.
Psalm 34:4-6
Psalm 105:4
2 Corinthians 1: 3-4
I Highly recommend this devotion. I believe there are 3 different versions. one for women (above), one for men, and one that is meant for both.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Your Questions Concerning Boyce

So a lot of you from Boyce have been asking why I left for the semester...
So here is your answer

I left Boyce in order to strengthen my daily walk with the Lord.
Going off to college is one of the biggest things I looked forward too going in to my Sr. year of high school. The first semester of college is suppose to be the best one, right? New Friends.New experiences. A new life:)   
But for me, it was not that way.

I cant go into Detail about some things but...
In my first semester of college....
I ruined 3 friendships (one being my ROOMATE)
I got into a unhealthy friendship with a guy while still dating my current bf. (PLEASE don't mistake the  word friendship. I know that can sound sketchy but that's all it truly was)
I Struggled with Deception of myself and others
A old sin was brought back up to the surface
I was lazy
I barley put effort in getting to know the people I went to school with, including my own hall mates.
I had an ugly thought in my head saying I was better than everyone else.
I was never happy, I always had an anger too me and wanted to be left alone
I literally didn't want to hang out with anyone
I never let my boyfriend have a social life. Everything was about me.
I quit reading my bible and doing my devotions.
I had a lot of anger harbored in my heart.
And through it all...I never saw the wrong in what I was doing.
That was a time in my life where I was the farthest away from my relationship with the lord.
Though I would not admit it in August, leaving Boyce for a semester was the best thing for me.
It has given me a chance to clear my mind.
Forgive those who needed to be forgiven.
It gave me a chance to forgive myself for what I had done.
My walk with the lord is now stronger than ever.
I have a wonderful Accountability partner and mentor whom I am so thankful for
I have regained a happiness which I had lost.
I am letting go of the anger and letting Gods grace and love take its place
I have made new Christian Friends who help me in my daily walk
I am now letting the Lord have complete Control of my life, and am trusting in him complete me
So there it is, for those who wanted to know
HEBREWS 4:14-16
JOHN 10:10
JAMES 4: 13-15
PSALM 13:5
PSALM 96:6
JOHN 8:12
PSLAM 36:9
1 PETER 5:6-7
JAMES 1:2-4
PSALM 107: 21-22

Me in a Nutshell

Hey Guys!
So this is just a little Get to know me thing before all the fun stuff!
My name is Maci
I am 19 years old and am Currently living in Indianapolis Indiana!
I was Born in Greencastle Indiana on September 9th
That's me!
I come from a Average sized family consisting of mostly BOYS!
I have my two parents, Robert and Kelli
And two younger brothers, Cameron and Isaiah
I am madly in love with a Man named Nathan
We have been dating for about 5 years at this point.
Words cant Describe how much he means to me.
I do attend College
I started off at Boyce College but am now taking a semester off in order to grow in my daily walk with the Lord. I am currently taking Ivy Tech classes.
As you may have guessed, I am a Christian. I was raised in a Christian home my whole life. I came to know the lord at age 13.
I am starting this blog in order to share my day-to-day experiences when it comes to my walk with the lord. I want to be able to share what the lord has done in my life and is still doing. I must say, I am NOT the best writer, but ill try my hardest to make reading this enjoyable! So sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself.
- Maci